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Kashish's Journey with Girlz, FTW

16 girls. 10 mentors. 1 programme.

We’re a community of badass girls who are ready to elevate themselves and other girls in a world that often silences them.

I’m Kashish. I’m currently pursuing a double major degree in BA Programme from Miranda House, University of Delhi. I love hugging dogs till the point where I weird out their owners or the people standing around me. I also love eating French fries.

I love humanity. Maybe not always humans, but I need to learn to co-exist with them to contribute in some way towards humanity.

I’m just an eighteen year old girl with some badass dreams and no idea how to accomplish them. I suck at time management and have trouble prioritizing. In the past, I would often take every opportunity that came my way in an attempt to learn something rather than weighing the consequences or identifying if those opportunities were worth my time, energy and money. I was grateful for every blessing I received, but I also needed some help managing my life. The only reasonable thing I did during that time was pray. I believed that the Universe has a plan for me and it was time to ask for help - and help did come.

I came across the Instagram profile of Nicol Perez, who recently served as the United Nations US Youth Observer. I checked out her story and came across the Girlz, FTW program. After doing some reading on the program, I filled out the form, still unsure if this would help me. But then again, I’ve made many questionable decisions in the past, so I assured myself that signing up for a mentorship programme would only be a learning experience. I managed to make it through the selection process and was happy to finally have a mentor who would personally guide me for a span of 6-8 weeks covering a broad range of topics.

Amanda Arevalo. My badass mentor.

My mentor loves to eat lots of avocados and sing the main song in ‘Titanic’ in front of her family and friends. Presently, she is a content strategist at a media platform whose aim is to democratize content. She helps writers and videographers give a voice to the stories they find important, stories that aren’t being talked about and stories that people want to read.

We’ve had plenty of video calls by now, almost every weekend. Each session has been a learning experience for me where we talk about goals and dreams, world affairs and home affairs, TED talks and random talks. Below are a few of the lessons I’ve learned from my mentor:

  • Bullet Journaling – Amanda taught me an easier way to manage and prioritise my goals (daily, weekly, monthly, and future). A journal which has everything - your goals, ideas, memories, moods, doodles, budget, habits, to-do lists, and anything random that you want to complete or get rid of with time.

  • TED Talks and Mentee talks – Talks from some of the greatest speakers and people who’ve done significant work. From being vulnerable, to the story of a bad feminist, to taking up opportunities. Throughout the program we’ve also had interactive video sessions with some great women, such as Michelle Morrison and Dana Fletcher who’ve shared their journeys in life, how beautifully they’ve dealt with major challenges in their lives, and how they’ve come out stronger.

  • Mood Boards or Vision Boards – I've learned that creating a Mood board or a Vision board can help define and shape your goals. They can help you visualise your goals and ultimately help you achieve them.

  • A Listener – Amanda has been my listener throughout the program. She’s been really helpful by supporting and encouraging me and believing in my choices and decisions. We've talked about everything from setting goals, to defining feminism, to mental health, and communicating with confidence.

I couldn't be more grateful to be a part of this mentorship programme. Even if this programme is all about beginning with small steps, my journey from being a girl to a badass lady is what will be most memorable for me.

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